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VHFFS Database crash

Posted on Monday 18 December 2006, at 15:57 UTC

Oops!, our server hosting the vhffs database has just crashed, we hope a power cycle will be enough to restart it.

Impacted services : Primary mail (smtp,pop,imap,webmail,mailing lists…), Primary DNS, Probably CVS and Subversion, and Jabber

Edit: Well.... the server is dead, two disks has been kicked out of the raid5 storage array, we moved the services on another server and recovered the vhffs database with a snapshot of the datas at Mon Dec 18 16:00:00 CET 2006, if you have made any changes in the panel between Mon Dec 18 16:00:00 CET 2006 and Mon Dec 18 17:40:00 CET 2006 you are invited to make those changes again, everything is back online.

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