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IP addresses of secondary services changed

Publicado el Friday 24 June 2011, a 23:02 UTC

In order to provide a better network connectivity to our secondary services we had to change the network subnet of the server hosting those services.

For those with network knowledge who wonder why, all the servers in the former subnet were moved to a new location except a few ones, including ours. So our server default route was far away along a L2 path. Which use to be faulty from time to time. We now moved to a local subnet.

So, the IP address of ns2.tuxfamily.net changed from to and the IP address of mx2.tuxfamily.net changed from to

Unless you configured those addresses statically somewhere (i.e. you used the previous IPs in NS or MX records instead of the names), you don't need to worry about. If you don't understand what we are talking about this is probably that you have nothing to do ;-)

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