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Archives de octobre 2016

Systems upgrade

Posté le lundi 24 octobre 2016, à 13:39 UTC

Due to CVE-2016-5195, we started rebooting all our hosts on a new kernel, we already silently updated all servers on which you are allowed to execute code a few days ago but it doesn't cause much disruption due to load balancing.

However, now it's time for all remaining hosts, storage servers, routers, … and that will be much more noticeable :-)

Edit: Done!, everything should be back, if this statement is wrong, please contact us ;)

VHFFS 4.6.0 Released

Posté le dimanche 9 octobre 2016, à 16:24 UTC

VHFFS, the software which energizes TuxFamily, was released, featuring all changes required or just nice to have for Debian Jessie, a new TLS certificates support on top of the Let's Encrypt project allowing hosted websites to benefit from HTTPS.

Of course, as TuxFamily follows almost day-to-day the VHFFS master branch, we are already running it!

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