Free hosting for free people.
TuxFamily is a non-profit organization that provides free services for projects and contents
dealing with the free software philosophy.
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Forum activity
- un grand merci, je me sens déjà @home
- PHP 8.x
- Hotlinking
- problème HTTPS (message "site non sécurisé")
- [résolu] Problème utilisation de Git
Latest projects
- Debian beginners handbook
- HyprLand Commander
- ESL Management System
- Serpent Twofish AES File Encrypter
- scienceforum
Getting help
Panel access
Helping TuxFamily
TuxFamily is a non-profit organization, which lives on donations and volunteers. You can help TuxFamily by several means:
- Donating
- Becoming a member of
- Donating hardware for our servers
- Helping or joining the staff
You can make a donation to TuxFamily by direct transfer, PayPal or Flattr. If you can, please use direct transfer, as there will be no additional fee involved. Please note French people may also make a donation using checks: please refer to the French version.
By direct transfer
Due to numerous abuses, we cannot provide anymore our banking information publicly, before doing a direct transfer please ask our banking information by sending a mail to
By PayPal
PayPal is a fast and easy way to donate money to
Using Flattr
FLattr allows you to give a small amount of money every month. We appreciate this kind of support very much, as it makes us able to have sufficient funds to face emergencies.
Becoming a member of
If you are French, you can join the organization. Please refer to the French page instead.
Donating hardware components
We of course always need components for our servers. If you want to give us hardware, please send a message to, specifying what you can send and useful information (where you live...).
Helping or joining the staff
Helping users
There is a mailing list dedicated to helping users. You can subscribe by sending an email to help-request at lists dot tuxfamily dot org with subscribe as subject. You'll then be able to answer help requests from our users.
You can also answer questions on our forum. Use your panel credentials.
Finally, you can help by extending, correcting or translating TuxFamily's FAQ.
Joining the staff
If you want to become a moderator or an administrator, you'll need to join our IRC channel on server channel #tuxfamily. Please keep in mind it's an international channel, with many discussions in French. You can of course speak English there!