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SSL certificates changed for POPs and IMAPs services

Posted on Friday 1 February 2008, at 20:45 UTC

Our SSL certificate for IMAPs and POPs services had expired, hence we changed it.

The new MD5 fingerprints are:POPs: 86:9F:4E:CF:CD:9C:03:17:E9:83:CF:21:58:26:F3:F6IMAPs: 37:B6:55:51:0B:F3:3D:1C:A0:16:76:0D:AB:93:6C:F8

and the new SHA1 fingerprints are:POPs: 25:C8:46:70:B4:FB:0B:B8:FC:21:62:30:45:75:B7:D1:DD:DE:10:76IMAPs: D4:00:AB:5D:A3:CD:3E:B0:5E:5D:53:15:61:E2:29:1F:CF:EF:7A:1D

Just accept the new certificate after verification.

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