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Mailing-lists, forwards, and the great mail service of free.fr

Posted on Sunday 23 March 2008, at 23:47 UTC

Hi folks,

Instead of finding a good way to handle the load of their millions users due to their attractive low-cost service, free.fr decided to blacklist almost everyone who is sending spams based on the IP source of the MTA which connect to their servers. So all of us who are providing forwards or mailing-lists services are blacklisted because we are forwarding spams through those ways (what a pity !).

We used to be whitelisted by free.fr when they were not that lobotomized, it seems that the whitelist have been wiped out... The "solution" as said by free.fr is "to set up a spam filter which should stop spam that you send, relay or forward", in other words "please do on your side what we don't want to do on our side anymore" and they call that "solutions to provide to your email solution in order to fight spam with us". Dear free.fr staff : If you think this is good for your users then, considering the amount of complains we are receiving about that... well, think again.

Of course, we are almost permanently blacklisted, so we recommend you to stop using @free.fr addresses.

Anyway, the free patronage is hosting one of our servers and we are really grateful about that, but this does not mean that we can't disagree with their spam policy ;-)

Let's hope they will change their mind ;)

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