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Heavy hardware maintenance planned

Posted on Thursday 5 April 2012, at 20:39 UTC

This week-end, we are going to do massive hardware change to TuxFamily!

Among other things, we are going to replace all storage disks, and we will also take this opportunity to migrate from ext3 to ext4 as well as starting from fresh new filesystems, which suffered a little bit corruption from storage issues we had several years ago.

Of course, this is going to take... hours... so be prepared for a week-end with hours of downtime! :)

Edit Saturday, April 7th, 15:26 UTC: Workforce successfully delivered at destination, work begin.

Edit Sunday, April 8th, 11:58 UTC: Work almost done, everything should be back.

Edit Monday, April 9th, 08:19 UTC: Workforce sent back to origin, on the road again ;-)

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