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Downloads master down

Posted on Saturday 19 July 2014, at 21:53 UTC

We are currently experiencing an outage on the download repositories master. We will keep you in touch.

Edit 2014-07-20 14:39 UTC: Not a good news, the server is dead, probably due to an overheat condition, we will try to reach the server tomorrow with new hardware.

Edit 2014-07-22 08:40 UTC: Yeah, we did not reach the server yesterday, we know, we know. We got the opportunity to be given new hardware way better than expected and we are currently testing it, furthermore we are going for a cheap shared trip at the end of the week to replace the server.

Edit 2014-07-25 10:00 UTC: New hardware in production, everything should be back ! :)

Edit 2014-07-25 16:48 UTC: Finally, all slaves finished syncing, they are all back in the download pool.

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