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Archives de août 2007
Servers upgrade
Posté le vendredi 24 août 2007, à 20:47 UTC
We upgraded all the servers this evening.
Contact us if you experience problems.
Please welcome SSH !
Posté le lundi 20 août 2007, à 16:55 UTC
We are proud to announce that you can now login with ssh on our shell server. Firstly you have to select an appropriate shell in the user preferences section of the panel. Secondly, wait approximatively 10 minutes. Thirdly you can try to ssh to ssh.tuxfamily.org with your panel login and password.
The limitations put on the shell service should be enough for the simple tasks you have to perform on your files. If you need more, contact us and explain clearly why ;)
If you wish to request the installation of software on this host, please contact us.
For now, users crontabs won't be executed. We are planning to provide group cronjobs management through the VHFFS panel in a way that allows us to load balance the jobs on several servers, to keep cronjobs in the database and to provide cronjobs for groups instead of the users crontabs you can find on a regular Unix system.
If it doesn't work for you, read the first paragraph again then contact us ;)
File server issues
Posté le dimanche 19 août 2007, à 22:15 UTC
Hi all,
We are having issues with the storage of data, the main services are down. As usual, MX2 and NS2 are still working fine so you wont loose any mails. For now, the only thing we can do is to wait until 10 AM when we will be able to ask for a reboot.
Sorry about that folks :/
Edit: The services are back online after a forced reboot. We are still working on it so you might see some more small interruptions in the next hours. Many thanks to the Lost Oasis team for their reactivity :)
Edit: Here we go, we expect the new kernel to have a reliable NFS stack :|
Posté le mercredi 1 août 2007, à 22:05 UTC
Hi all !
We have just upgraded our servers to the last version of VHFFS.You should see some improvements mainly on the panel which should be more user-friendly and a bit faster ;)Many thanks to the VHFFS developers team :)
As usual, feel free to report bugs, suggestions and such.
Enjoy !