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Archives de mars 2008

Tux is moving back to Iceland \o/

Posté le lundi 31 mars 2008, à 20:28 UTC

We are pleased to inform you that TuxFamily's servers are going to move to Iceland on Tuesday, June 19th

Our main hoster have just finished his new datacenter and asked us if we wanted to put our servers there. Of course, we are delighted to be the first organization to use the new datacenter : The naturally cold weather and the environment friendly electricity production of Iceland allow to reduce a datacenter's operating costs from 10 to 20%.

The only difficulty is that we have to move the servers by ourselves because our hoster don't want to handle the costs of carrying our stuff to Iceland. We noticed that we can save on shipping costs by sending the servers by sea through New York in order to pay in US Dollars. As the Euro is strong, we can save 10 % which is quite nice regarding to our banking account situation.

All the services will be down during the trip that should last between 27 and 34 days depending on the weather.

Secondary servers are not going anywhere so your mails won't be lost during this period ;)

Your admins

Edit: Of course it was our annual April fool ;-)

Mailing-lists, forwards, and the great mail service of free.fr

Posté le dimanche 23 mars 2008, à 23:47 UTC

Hi folks,

Instead of finding a good way to handle the load of their millions users due to their attractive low-cost service, free.fr decided to blacklist almost everyone who is sending spams based on the IP source of the MTA which connect to their servers. So all of us who are providing forwards or mailing-lists services are blacklisted because we are forwarding spams through those ways (what a pity !).

We used to be whitelisted by free.fr when they were not that lobotomized, it seems that the whitelist have been wiped out... The "solution" as said by free.fr is "to set up a spam filter which should stop spam that you send, relay or forward", in other words "please do on your side what we don't want to do on our side anymore" and they call that "solutions to provide to your email solution in order to fight spam with us". Dear free.fr staff : If you think this is good for your users then, considering the amount of complains we are receiving about that... well, think again.

Of course, we are almost permanently blacklisted, so we recommend you to stop using @free.fr addresses.

Anyway, the free patronage is hosting one of our servers and we are really grateful about that, but this does not mean that we can't disagree with their spam policy ;-)

Let's hope they will change their mind ;)

Corrective maintenance planned

Posté le vendredi 14 mars 2008, à 21:44 UTC


To fix one of our file servers related issue (here, here and the emergency fix here), we planned a corrective maintenance, it will be this week-end.

Be prepared for a long service outage of all the services (except secondary services) at anytime between Saturday and Sunday.

Soutenez Tuxfamily !

Posté le mardi 4 mars 2008

TuxFamily a besoin d'un petit coup de pouce pour pouvoir continuer à évoluer.

En effet, suite aux récents investissements pour assurer notre croissance et en prévision de ceux nécessaires pour résoudre nos problèmes sur l'un de nos serveurs les plus vitaux nous n'avons d'autre choix que de lancer la première grande campagne de dons de TuxFamily.

Soyez nombreux à y répondre, cela nous permettra d'accueillir toujours plus de projets, d'améliorer le nombre et la qualité des services proposés et de continuer à promouvoir le libre sous toute ses formes.

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